Posts Tagged ‘ crafts ’

Margaux Lange

Jewellery made from Barbie dolls:

Official Site

Official Etsy store

Randy Sarafan: $2 Bill Pad

Want to make your spare change more special? Instructables user Randy Sarafan shows you how to turn $100 worth of $2 bills into a tear-off pad without damaging them. Nice gift idea.

Instructables tutorial

Randy Sarafan Official Site

Arduino LilyPad

The LilyPad is a microcontroller board designed to be attached to clothing and textiles. It has been credited for introducing many female users to electronics.

LilyPad Embroidery by Becky Stern.

LilyPad by Arduino

LilyPad in the Wild: How Hardwareʼs Long Tail is Supporting New Engineering and Design Communities (PDF)

Maddie Chambers: Hand Made Hobbit Hole

Maddie Chambers spent several months making a replica miniature hobbit hole.

Official Site – includes the making process

Roundup: Munny Dolls

Munny Dolls are blank vinyl dolls from Kidrobot which are designed to be fully customisable. You can paint them, carve them or attach things to them, making them an ideal gift for anyone creative of any age.

Please click images for artist source.

Wulf: Self-Sorting Workshop Box

Link via Craftster

Wulf on WordPress