Posts Tagged ‘ ethical design ’

Takayuki Hori: Oritsunagumono

Takayuki Hori is a Visual Communication student. His project, Oritsunagumono (things folded and connected) has just won him the Mitsubishi Chemical Junior Designer Award.

Images here and here.

James White: Help Japan

Poster for sale here. All proceeds will go towards the earthquake relief.

Official Project Page

James White


UPDATE 17/03/11: Buzzfeed has a large collection of artwork dedicated to Japan, many of which are also for sale to fund appeals.

Sam Taylor-Wood: Equals

Happy International Women’s Day everyone! In case you haven’t seen it yet, here is a video promoting equality and the event directed by Sam Taylor-Wood –  a good, thought-provoking piece of film.

Sam Taylor-Wood on Artnet


JR is a photographer and street artist who takes lively close-ups of ordinary people and pastes their images large-scale in public places all around the world. As well as being visually striking, his projects provide a social commentary which has just seen him awarded with the highly regarded TED Prize.

Portrait of a Generation: portraits of suburban ‘thugs’ plastered around Paris.

Face2Face: Humourous portraits of Israelis and Palestinians are displayed side-by-side on the infamous separation barrier.

Women Are Heroes: focusing on women living in repressive areas, this project puts a human face on an oppressed group of society. This project has been turned into a film of the same name.

The Wrinkles of the City: ponders the memory of a city and its citizens.

Unframed: famous photographs are displayed in large scale.

Official Site

Heal The Bay: The Majestic Plastic Bag

Help reduce plastic bag pollution in California here.

Heal the Bay

Design For the First World competition

It’s common for designers in the first world to try to create products or ideas to help citizens of less fortunate countries. This competition, however, is giving the opportunity for designers aged 13 or over in the developing world to solve problems in developed countries. They are looking for the following solutions:

  • Reduc­ing obesity.
  • Address­ing aging pop­u­la­tion and low birth rate.
  • Reduc­ing con­sump­tion rate of mass pro­duced goods.
  • Inte­grat­ing the immigrant population.

As a British citizen I can’t enter this competition, however I am very interested in seeing the final results.

Official Site